Company Description
Comfort Inn from Chilliwack, BC. Company specialized in: Hotels & Motels.
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Cathy M.
on Facebook
10 Sep 2019
Morning guys : can someone recommend a dog friendly hotel in Chilliwack. I've stayed in some pretty nasty pee smelling rooms lately and I'm really wanting to avoid that this time. Thanks so much :)
Lydia M.: I go over for Dog Shows, a lot, and stay at Comfort Inn on 45405 Luckakuck Way 604-858-0636
Patricia S.
on Facebook
25 Jun 2015
Just so you know most the hotels are booking up fast for the Canadian National Specialty Sept 26th in Chilliwack.I was able to find a room this morning at The Comfort Inn
Patricia S.:

Comfort Inn
45405 Luckakuck Way Chilliwack, BC
(604) 858-0636