Company Description
Leo'S Custom Upholstery from Chilliwack, BC. Company specialized in: Auto Seat Covers & Upholstery.
Call us for more - (604) 858-6080
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Brandy D.
on Facebook
17 Oct 2017
Any recommendations for someone who can reupholstered a couple old chairs. Hopefully not to expensive. I was thinking I'd buy the fabric and they'd upholster for me:)
Jeff R.: Leo's custom upholsterey 604-858-6080 the best around
Debbie C.
on Facebook
16 May 2017
Any recommendations for upholstery?
Jeff R.: Leo's custom upholstery the best there is highly recommend. 604-858-6080. What are you looking to get done?
Terri A.
on Facebook
07 May 2017
Looking for someone to recover some patio furniture cushions for reasonable price.
Jeff R.: Leo's custom upholstery 604-858-6080
Meghan S.
on Facebook
01 May 2017
Can anyone recommend upholstery services for residential furniture? Thanks!
Jeff R.: Leo's custom upholstery 604-858-6080 the best around :)
Ingrid M.
on Facebook
02 Jan 2015
Anyone know a good and reasonable upholsterer in Chilliwack?
Nancy H.: Leos Custom Upholstery - Chwk Lk rd. 604 858 6080 for car upholstery

Leo's Custom Upholstery
47915 Edwards Rd Chilliwack, BC
(604) 858-6080